Hydrogeological Services  
  International Water Supply Ltd. (IWS) has served the groundwater industry for 75 years, and has been a leader in the evaluation, development and management of groundwater resources in Canada. IWS provides a wide range of hydrogeologic services which include:  

Hydrogeologic studies

Hydrogeologic mapping, assessment of groundwater availability, quality and the impact of withdrawals on area water resources.

Test drilling programs
Exploratory test drilling is undertaken to search for favourable geologic formations in which high capacity wells can be constructed.

Aquifer testing and yield assessment
Extended pump tests conducted to assess aquifer characteristics and potential yield from sites identified during initial hydrogeologic study and exploratory drilling.

Geophysical services
Logging capabilities include Natural Gamma,
Gamma - Gamma, Single Point and Normal Resistivity,
Self Potential, Induction Conductivity, Flow Meter,
Temperature, Fluid Resistivity Caliper, and Neutron .

Computer modelling
Computer modelling to simulate hydrogeologic settings and
flow systems to predict the sustainable aquifer yields, capture
zones and impacts.

Additional Services include
Wellhead protection studies
Environmental impact studies
Waste disposal impact studies
Site monitoring
Well abandonment

© 2009 International Water Supply Ltd.